Customer Testimonials

At VP Electric, our number one priority is customer satisfaction. We aren’t just in the electrical business, but the people business. Making sure that your needs and expectations are fulfilled is our greatest aim.

We know that your time and money are valuable so we’ll do our best to provide you with the most cost effective and time efficient solution to your electrical needs while giving you the best service and products available. Call today to find out why so many other happy customers keep using VP Electric as their preferred Kailua-Kona electrical company. Aloha!

Over 80 Verified 5-Star Yelp & Google Reviews

Naomi T.
March 20, 2023

I had a fantastic experience with this electric company. They fixed my wiring issues, added an outlet, and were very professional throughout the process....

Connie T.
December 5, 2022

They answered the phone right away and fixed my problem in one minute over the phone charged me nothing these guys are awesome. If you need an electrician...

Veronica F.
June 27, 2022

John from VP electric is great. He showed up to fix an issue in record time, was very professional and was very good at his job. I will always call this...

Natalie S.
April 19, 2022

Chris showed up promptly as scheduled. He was respectful of our place and removed his shoes before starting job. We had 2 projects for him and he was able...

Steven D.
November 1, 2021

Best service ! Wish they were on the mainland. We had 3 fans installed today. AJ was outstanding - polite, professional and efficient. We will recommend...

September 8, 2021

Both the person we spoke with by phone as well as the person (AJ) who came out to help were great. fast, courteous, prompt, knowledgeable, friendly, professional. I'll definitely call them first next time we have an electrical issue.

 James Karson
James Karson
August 31, 2021


The entire VP ELECTRIC team is the BEST IN THE WEST!!!!

John's electrical proposal to upgrade our 1970 home with a new 200AMP HELCO METER and 200AMP MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER service panel was exactly what was needed to enable us to proceed with next steps to install a new Solar PV system.

John arranged every detail with both HELCO and the County of Hawaii permit department and communicated with timely updates as the job progressed.

Chad, Carl, Adam and all of their extra support team that Chad scheduled completed one of the crucial days which was projected to take up to two days worth of work in just one day (6 hours).

Their excavation sub-contractor they scheduled for the underground electrical conduit, did very precise trenching work and then excellent asphalt replacement.

Thanks to VP Electric's superb expertise and friendly, amazing team, our property is now ready to go solar with renewable energy for the next 30+ years.

Mahalo for a job well done,

August 24, 2021

Outstanding! Polite, Respectful of surroundings, Paid Attention to Detail, Thorough! Experts in their field. They were able to track a problem, identify source, and make repair. Workers were helpful, resourceful, and communicated. They confirmed the scope of job prior to start and reviewed completed work with Owner prior to leaving. They asked when clarification was needed. No one could really ask for more from a company.

 Denise Hill
Denise Hill
August 19, 2021

Great service and will use again!

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Contact Us Today! We Are Here To Help You

From basic electrical wiring to high-end lighting design, attention to detail and superior workmanship are our top priority every step of the way. No job is too big or too small. Our highly skilled electricians will complete your project to your satisfaction the first time.
Call Us (808) 498-4170